It’s not the end

I want you to close your eyes please
I wanna ask you
How are you?
What heaviness are you carrying?
What tears do you hold back?
What pain
What fears
Are kept inside?
You don’t have to hold on to those fears
If you just take one step at a time
Not to say that one day these fears are just gonna completely disappear

Can you forgive those you have hurt you?
Because that’s where healing starts
Every time someone puts you down
Will you make a decision to bring somebody else up?
Go to an open area
Where there’s no building and there’s no shelter
And there’s a storm above you
This storm represents the situations in your life when you don’t tell anybody what you’re going through Because first of all they wouldn’t understand
And second of all they can’t even help you anyway
There’s this storm and you’re down on your knees and you’re cold and you’re weak
And you feel like this is the end
Are you not still here?
You are still here
You don’t have to do this alone

Do you wanna spend the rest of your life being afraid of people rejecting you?
You have to start by not rejecting yourself
You don’t deserve it
People either accept you or they can fuck off
When you’re in school
When you grow up in life
It actually sort of matters to people how you look
It matters to you because it matters to others
Why does it matter how you look?
Because if they don’t like you, then who will?
If they don’t accept you, then who will?
And the fear that we have that we’re going to be alone
That we’re not good enough
And we have to change ourselves
And I had to because otherwise people put me down
I started believing that I was not good enough
I started believing that I was a failure
That I would never ever be somebody who people would like
Who people would accept

I was depressed
I thought: what kind of purpose do I have to live?
Are you just here to live, to die?
Is there not a purpose for me?
Is there not a purpose in life?
There are some things in life that are out of your control
That you can’t change and you gotta live with
The choice that we have is either to give up or keep on going
I wanna ask you
What are you gonna believe?
Are you gonna believe in yourself or are you gonna believe everybody else ‘s judgment?
Are you gonna believe people when they say that you’re a failure?
That no one really likes you
That no one cares about you
I wanna tell you that sometimes in life when you fall down and you feel like you don’t have the strength to get back up, you need to try again
Because if I fail
I’ll try again
And again
And again
And again
For as long as I try there is always that chance of getting up
And it’s not the end until you’ve given up
And just the fact that you’re here should persuade you that you have another chance to get back up
There’s still hope
There’s always hope
It’s not the end

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